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Excited to announce that I will be once again at ever Supanova for 2019! That means 3 tours each comprising two cons. The first tour starts with Melbourne this weekend (5th-7th April) and moves onto Gold Coast the following weekend (11th-14th April).

This tour present a number of challenges, as you might be aware I have degrading mobility and while I have been using a cane for exactly a year now (I bought it for this exact tour last year) this weekend I will be travelling for the first time with a walking device. So not only will I be travelling with a lot of heavy gear I will also have a bulking mobility assistance device to boot. I can tell you it's not easy to get a 23kg bag off a airport conveyor when you cant walk but alas these are the perils of travelling alone. Oh and my other pet peeve is you need to hire trolleys in all other states except SA it seems. Anyway this post has got a little off topic so back to the 'heavy gear' bit.

I actually have to use a spreadsheet that lists all my standard gear and how much each piece weighs, as well as a column for each bag (Check-in and Carry-on) and then I go through populating the weights across to the appropriate bag listing what gear I'm taking until I generally run out of limit. I used to have 2 carry on bags but with the walking and the cane had to reduce my gear by 7kg late last year. So now I use a spreadsheet and as you can see my totals are very close to the limits for tomorrows flight. I used to go over the limit and my backpack came in at an average of 9kg but I hear they are cracking down on it. But I still have half a kilo to play with on my carry-on.

One of the issues this trip in particular is that I'm taking 4 copies of my photobook for people who organised pick-up at the con, so I have 2kg of books on the way to Melbourne. I can't even take extras to sell.

I'll let you know how it goes!



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