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Hello Patrons

I've been quite busy lately working on different projects and I haven't really updated my page here since my last visit, however today I can finally give you some very cool infos about the upcoming artworks for this month. 😊👍

Before the Easter holidays began I started to refurbish my asset library of 3D models which I use for my projects. Assets such as background objects or even more important - critical objects which the characters can interact with. Having a great looking character model means your assets have to be on "par" with the quality otherwise the whole image can look very off - for example: Your character model looks like from an actual PS5 game with high polygon detail and 4K Textures but then your background assets look like they are straight coming out of an N64 game... 😥 This is something you should avoid at any cost.

There are very good websites which provide Assets such as Textures, various 3D Objects and other random things which can become quite useful for the future - and most of them come with high quality Textures as well which means the possibilities of creating materials are endless. 😁

With that said I went through my Asset folders and "cleaned" up many things which were I consider as "old school" in terms of visual fidelity - N64 look a like... 

Yet theres one thing which bothered me for quite a while...

I've seen some cool 3D Environments in terms of Design and locations, an example for this are the mass Effect games with their very Sc-Fi looking nature which I really like. The same kind of astehtics you can find in the Marvel's Avengers universe which I also cover some content of the Characters like Thor, Steve and Hawkeye - yet there was a "specific" problem...

In order to "deliver" the characters and the viewers (you guys) a good experience, you need to create something which gives you the immension that they are coming out of their own universe. In other words having a fitting Environment where the characters can "have their moments". This is why back in 2021 I made a "small" backdrop scene which I used pretty often to this day to give our favorite Hero's a ceiling above their heads. 


This was the first version I came up with as a backdrop based on the Avenger's game which was released back in 2020. I tried to have the geometry at a very simple rate since my old PC couldn't handle much, that's also the reason why the rear wall is missing. 

The inspiration came by just playing the game and adoring the level design so I took more and more screenshots of various spots which I found interesting. Heres an example of Thor's bedroom in one of the outposts the "chimera"

here's a screenshot of his room from the game at night and compared with my frist attempt re-model his room from scratch which can be seen above, it's quite a huge difference. 😅

So I was thinking: I could actually improve the room once and for all! Easier said than done... Yet I really wanted to tackle on this project so I started to take a closer look at the existing 3D model of my custom room and the ways of how I can "expand" the overall visuals.

The first days working on the project were quite stressing, I had to do a lot of research and taking tons of screenshots from every so small object in his room to make sure I can re-model it properly in blender. 

After I had the first few shapes created I needed to look for fitting textures to create materials and honestly, this took me ages to get the look right. The surface of the walls are basically powder coated metallic paint with lot's of scratches and other small details that you mostly don't even see during normal gameplay...  Yet somehow I had to figure out how to create such a material inside my render engine and it was quite tricky. 

After 2 days I had the "first" new revision of his bedroom and it looked like this:

Yaay finaly a rear wall woo! 😂However the textures and the painting were just too much "metallic" so I had to change shading settings. After that I took a small break from the project since it got me quite burnt out and went back character posing. In the meantime I have watched Avengers Infinity War and Endgame which are great movies and they gave me some new inspirations so I continued to work on my small room here and adjusted even more things.

I re-worked the whole geometry on the right side of the room as well, along with new assets for his bookshelf and the other objects on the wall which I have no clue what they are supposed to be xD (If you have any idea pls let it me know) 

Here's a close up with the new objects in place. They are sorted into one render group which means they can be disabled with one click to save performance if they are not in the camera view. Pretty cool right? Along with that I made his reading lamp/radio also in blender which was quite fun. I tried to be very precise with the shape and size sticking to the in-game look. 

With that done I was working on the rest of the interior. As I am writing this post now, I'm still working on the final touches for the materials, lighting and color scheme, you can expect this to look amazing with the characters in place.

Without stretching this post even longer than it already is, I will show you my current test render I did this morning while placing the last few Objects in their position.

Before that, just take a look of how it started:

And now the (almost) finished room so far:

Quite a difference huh? 😊I'm sure the characters will have so much fun in Thor's new bedroom and he also got rid of the ugly carpets as well! xD (honestly the carpets in the game look awful, the same goes for the bedsheets they gave him... just no xD) I'm really happy with the overal result and I can't wait to use this Environment to create new Artworks for you guys. Once I have finished the final touches I will create a new Artpack to be released later this month.

with that said I hope you enjoyed this little story from above, thank you for reading and have a good time.






It all look so comfy, they will clearly enjoy having fun there. ^^