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Mason decided to take a short break on his way to work. There was something he forgot to take care of this morning.

Here's the final result of the Design-A-Daddy project! Thanks to all of you who voted and shared their opinion! This was the first time I attempted this kind of project and I realize there were a few roadbumps down the line. I'm happy to listen to your feedback, if you like to share it on how I can improve on future projects. :3

It was really cool seeing people participate and also finding out what you guys are into. I must say that I really like the finished design and I will definitely draw more of him in the future!

With October & Halloween, I might be too busy to start a new project right away. Maybe some smaller things along the way, where I ask for your picture ideas or something like that. I definitely have a lot of ideas for future projects, but I already have to work on so many other things (like the comic!) that I need to sort my priorities first.

Thanks again everyone and I hope you enjoy the picture! :3




Amazing work, as always!


Nice car...


Love it! Would love to help clean him up X3


That actually came out really great.