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Okay, so this is a bit of an interesting story: I started working on this, originally just with the idea in mind to draw a little something for pride month. It was supposed to be a warm up sketch that I might go back and finish later.

However, when I was working on the sketch, I kept contemplating how I wanted to develop this picture further. 

Eventually it started to become an experiment on my own workflow, as I wanted to see how much time would be needed if I skipped over some of the steps like cleaning up the sketch. I was really surprised at how good the result looked, so I kept going. 

The idea spiraled a little out of control and I realized that the picture in and of it self looked a bit awkward, with Rick just standing there. So I had the idea of turning it into a magazine cover and I think it works quite well. :3

It was an interesting experience to see the direction of the picture shift as I was working on it and I'm glad I managed to learn a thing or two about my own workflow and pace.

I want to wish all and everyone of you a happy pride month! I know things are rough right now, so I hope you all are staying safe and celebrating your own individuality. Be proud of who you are and let no one tell you different. Diversity is a strength that helps us become better at understanding the world and each other.

Be proud everyone! :3

Enjoy the picture & Happy Pride Month!




I think it looks great! I never would've guessed that you didn't intend for it to be a magazine cover. Also, would you happen to have a copy of that interview? >_>

Zachary Zwahr

Being a pup is awesome. I need a commission now where it's me, night, and Rick in our pup gear and having some. Fun ;)

Lion Panthera

I'm really sorry you're getting so many hateful comments about this picture, especially over on e6. Please don't let it dissuade you from future pride-themed pics. This is really good work.


Thank you for your kind words. I won't be dissuaded from pictures like this, on the contrary. If anything, this is only encouraging me to draw more like this. :3

Wolfie Randolf

OH MY LORD AND MASTER! That is HOT... that would burn magma to carbon! If only he were bigger!