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Alternate title: Bloodbork.

This is one of the pictures that premiered at the Eurofurence 24 art show. Right away, you can tell I went in a little different direction this time. - and I just want to make it clear right here: No, something like this isn't available for commissions, sorry! It's just way too much work. x3

The backstory behind this picture: While I drawing I tend to either listen to music or watch let's plays on youtube. I do have Tinnitus, so it helps me keep focused and relaxed when I have something to drown out the noise. With Bloodborne, a game I have never been able to play because of the lack of a PS4, I watched a let's play because I was fascinated by the games' art design.

When the time for Eurofurence drew closer and I was contemplating ideas for the art show, the idea for a Bloodborne inspired picture popped into my head. Originally I wanted to draw something much closer to my usual style, but I hesitated when I thought about how much work the lineart would be, with all the details and such. So instead - originally to save time - I tried a digitial painting sorta technique. I started out with the head and from there slowly worked my way downwards. By the time I was finished with the character, I was so exhausted, I wished I had stuck to my regular style. x3

Still though, this was a damn good decision, because the way this picture came together after the character was finished, really drew myself in. Despite it being probably the hardest picture I have worked on so far, the final result was worth all the long hours spent, trying to get all the details right.

I am incredibly happy that I was able to pull this picture off, and I am grateful that someone purchased this piece in the art show and took it home with them. :3




Renaissance Wolf

Oh wow. This is some next level awesome. It's beautiful

Ysa Hemlock

i want this for a halloween costume :)


I know I've said this already but this is one of your best artworks to this date. It's absolutely fascinating to stare at it to find all the little details. <3