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Currently obsessed with Jing Yuan and Blade, their intertwined lore offers so much delicious potential ughhh! I can't wait to explore more of their couple dynamic and add m ore characters to the mix hehehe

I hope you'll enjoy the comic!! 💦

A special thank you to Myr who once again took their time to beta-read and suggest improvements to the comic! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

Another thank you to the Discord gang who helped me choose the best coloration style for the comic! 

I was testing new color styles...
1️⃣ Flat colors + shadows in greyscale
2️⃣ Flat colors + shadows in colors
3️⃣ Flat colors 

Given the different opinions and considerations, I've settled for the closest to my usual, number 2️⃣ which I think proved to be the best choice among them!!




Not me sitting here staring at this delicious freakin’ meal while looking at my Jing Yuan in game like, “Yeah we know what you’re really like, Sir”. Lol. Seriously though. I was so excited at the hints we were getting about this in discord and to see it come to fruition? I feel blessedly horny. I love your art. That much is obvious. But every piece you put out makes me foam at the mouth and to bark loudly (It makes my roommates question my sanity but I’m not mad about it lol). The coloring? Your highlights? Your shadows? You can see how much work you’ve put into every page and it’s very appreciated. Your dialogue is delightful and the way you tell the story, even with yummy sex, is always something to look forward to. I am obsessed with these two (I was prepared to whale on Jing Yuan but he and his light cone had mercy on me early thankfully) so I’ve been saving for Blade now since I want him so badly. I’m dying to know more about them and this dynamic between them is absolute perfection. Jing Yuan going to Blade with such cocky confidence, before being caught off guard was such a wonderful twist, followed by the additional (Tasty) twist of Blade kissing JY. Can I also just appreciate Blade’s kissing face, with the eyes closed? I think it’s very sweet actually. (The addition of tongues did not make me thirsty (Yes it did)). I love how handsy JY got once he knew what Blade wanted from him. And Gods, will I ever get over how you draw scars? Probably not. They always tell a story and I can see the battle torn body of Blade on full display (Thank you for that too btw). Making him needy but powerful was a nice horny bonus and I might have cackled when JY told Blade to say please and Blade just took what he wanted instead of listening to JY. (Power bottom (Switch), anyone? LOL) Isn’t the “Bold Move” one of JY’s lines from in game? Because if I remember correctly, it is, and I love it. I think I’ve said plenty of TMI before, so please, let me just appreciate the way Blade’s face looks when he’s trying to take all of JY’s dick in because I’m shedding a horny tear over here (I also love the way you drew Blade's hair color too). I will say I am amazed neither of them had your signature nipple piercing though lol. The last panel has to be one of my favorites for their position alone (Blade’s expression, JY’s biting/suckling). I also love Jing Yuan keeping his gloves and pants on. One knows this has to be a quick thing between them but damn if they won’t both have a shit ton of fun from it. Last but not least, this is probably the 1500th time I’ve talked about this but I will never stop (Sorry not sorry). Your body fluids? Be they drool, cum, lube, etc. They’re always shown so well in your art and I’m always keeping an eye out for that kind of stuff because I love it. Thank you for drawing these two in such a freakin’ gourmet meal and thanks to Myr too for beta reading for you too. Your Patreon is forever a blessing on a rough day. Now don’t mind me staring at this comic a few more times while I listen to a Blade inspired playlist on Youtube because yes, I am that obsessed with that man already. If you ever are inspired enough/desire to, seeing their dynamic switch will probably kill me in the best way.

Lisa Heisler

That's so fucking hot, I'm gonna pass out

Mir Ventura

While everything in here is absolutely, mind blowingly delicious, I gotta say the first page is one of my favorites that you've ever drawn, and it makes my heart dance everytime I see it! THE LIGHTING!!! Gods that is so beautiful, and they're so expressive, everytime we got a glimpse in the patreon I audibly gasped at how beautiful this page is. It sorta reminded me of the lighting you were going for with an Adam fucking Tadashi on his desk before the gazillion surveillance TVs, and the progress you've made is so easy to see here! ❤️✨️


This might just actually be what's convinced me to finally download honker star railed omg 🧎‍♂️ Thank u for once again blessing us with ur art <33

Ricco Õsaki

Nnnnnn this is just so goood, so hot *bit my lips, hard* 🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️ And the coloring is so on point, I love it! The "pained" face of Blade on the second last panel, damn 👌 I have a little question tho, I hope it won't come as rude? I remember seing some body hair on one of your recent Jing Yuan's, but there is none here. Is it a preference of yours to give them the smooth treatment? Or not liking drawing hair? No judgment at all, geniusly curious 🙏 I like your boys anyway, always perfectly hot, smexy and messy 😌❤️


This is the hottest thing I’ve seen


The lighting in the first couple panels of this is insanely gorgeous. You are so talented! And that last panel- holy shit 🥵. I haven’t even started playing HSR yet, still working through the Genshin storyline, but damn this makes me want to download it NOW.

Chiye Chi

Omg..tks for the meal (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠) theyre so gorgeous 🙏🏻


this is delicious


Jayyy thank you for your comment!!! To answer a couple things: I was super tempted to design a lion-head piercing for JY but I wasn't sure he was te type for it and same for Blade. I don't want to give everyone a piercing for the sake of it (lies, I would. But I don't want to get predictable of OOC) haha Happy you always appreciate body fluids, I feel like they add so much to the illustration! As for JY and Blade switching, I'll wait for inspiration to strike 💦


No problem for asking! I got some input on body hair and I'm trying to add them on characters; in some attempts of finding my "body hair hc" you'll see me give/take them as I value how they fit a character haha Happy you liked the comic Ricco!! 💜💜💜


It's such a silly think but I'm super happy you like the first panels too and that (one of the?) reason(s) is the lighting haha You won't regret downloading HSR you'll see! 💜

Ricco Õsaki

Thank you for your answer 💚💚 I'm always amazed by your tries and search to improve/change/ find new ways around your art. It's a delight to follow you in your art journey!