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Check the images' caption for additional info on the process!

This comic page is the product of some back and forth edits...

Starting from the lineart stage, I had to redraw Argenti entirely because the anatomy was simply WRONG: you can see how the butt is huge (not as a compliment, is definitely disproportioned) and so is the rest of his body, increasing in size more than perspective can justify. Not only that, but the hips-to-torso junction doesn't make sense and the position of him rotating the torso also doesn't make sense... I liked his face and expression but I'm glad I redrew him!!

During the coloration process, I started adding rim light blue too early and in a too bland color which didn't stand out enough, it simply wasn't effective; I had to erase it and add it later on a Color Dodge layer, which did the desired effect!

I also went back and forth a lot with the adjustment layers because I wasn't sure what to enhance with them... at some point (IMG 13 - right after adding the final rim lights) I thought the illustration could work like that, but at the same time something didn't feel right. I ended up rebalancing colors in order to make characters and atmosphere better match (IMG 14) but I had to do various attempts not to turn the illustration too dark or too flat...

These are all the Adjustments I've used:
1) Color Lookup, 3Strip.look, to enhance the skin's reddish parts e.g. blush;
2) Curves, to increase brightness and saturation;
3) Color balancing, to shift characters hue towards blue, the backgruound color;
4) Color Lookup, NightFromDay.cube, to further increase contrast with a blue tint.
5) Posterize, value: 47, to further enhance colors and contrast

These Adjustments can be used to "fix" colors or to simply change the illustration's aesthetic to meet your vision; ultimately, there is no correct amount of Adjustments you shall or not use - you can slap them on your work, have fun experimenting, and evaluating how they look with your style!
Out of the Adjustments I mentioned before, none was extremely needed. I think the ones the illustration benefitted the most from are numbers 2 (Curves) and 3 (Color balancing) - maybe I would've avoided 5 (Posterize) to keep a softer atmosphere...? Still debating in my head ghjkl

💌 HD + PSD in attachments!

If your software doesn't read my PSD correctly and you do not have Photoshop, you can open my files on the free online tool https://www.photopea.com !!


FINAL #2 (HD, downloadable)
FINAL #1 (HD, downloadable)
Lineart #1
Greyscale #1 Argenti's anatomy made 0 sense, had to be redone!
Greyscale #2
Colors selection
Polished base colors - I'm also adding some gradients
Boothill's body colors and base shading
Skin shading + more details
More progress + attempted blue rim light addition but I erased it and re-did it later on a Color Dodge layer!
More rendering #1
More rendering #2
Rim light (Color Dodge, 100% opacity)
Rebalancing colors and contrast!
FINAL #1 (HD, downloadable)
FINAL #2 (HD, downloadable)


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