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This process has partly been a struggle - but mainly because of my own state of mind!
There are some improvements (*) I plant to bring to my rendering and I approached this illustration with ALL OF THEM in mind, which made me pretty overwhelmed about each and every move. I ended up overthinging and not really liking the job, but after some time away from the screen I got back to it and I'm pretty satisfied 💜

(*) My current goals are:

  • improving color choices #1 using a more specific range of tones following the ambience colors;

  • improving color choices #2 determining the appropriate amount of contrast based on the light's intensity;

  • improving brush strokes: instead of always using a soft brush, I want to learn "sculpting" with harder brushes too! Being able to do so also means I improved my anatomy understanding.

It's gonna take me some time to be able to bring actual improvements, but it's good to have a direction to work on! I fear more the times during which I feel like "everything looks so good" because I realize it's when I cannot see my mistakes (and maybe somebody else does?! 👀)

💌 HD + PSD in attachments!

If your software doesn't read my PSD correctly and you do not have Photoshop, you can open my files on the free online tool https://www.photopea.com !!




Others always see mistakes, I think. In every artwork you can find smth to improve (what is more, the work is finished only when you said stop to yourself, otherwise you can inprove it endless amount of times and that shitty thing doesn't depend on you art skills at all)). And it is sometimes a good thing to put an artwork aside and return to it after some time (a few hours or sometimes days or even weeks). Or to ask for feedback when you need to bring edits quickly.


I always look up to artists I consider TOP TIER MASTERS and I can rarely spot mistakes in their art (I only recently started, made me feel very pro lol). What you can improve in an artwork is also tied to your ability of being able to spot and correct mistakes - and it's so good to notice when you can make something you used to struggle on for hours in a single try! I love getting feedback too because you can learn so much quicker - you basically borrow another brain to enhance your vision 🙏