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☆ Winner of [ MAY 24 ] Artworks POLL! ☆

I tried something on Neuvi, glowing marks like those he appears to have on his tails and those Zhongli has in his Geo version 💙 they may be a forever addition to my hcs for him 👀👌

I wanted to make it look like they're under the moonlight and make it romantic even though the following panel is a not-so-romantic X-RAY view 😂 (it's been some time without one)




They are so beautiful ! 😍😍


Okay but I love how sweet this is tho cause like they both are holding onto eachother as much as they can like Wriothesley's got his dragon clutched as close to his chest as he can and Neuvi's got his tail all coiled around Wrio's leg and is even like reaching back to hold onto him even despite the angle it puts his hands at its just 🥺🥰😍🥹 they love eachother so much 💕🖤❤️💙🩵💖