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The latest main quest really got in to me, it's probably one of my faves out of both HSR and Genshin so far (competing with the last Fontaine quest). After playing it, I've been rewatching the final cutscenes something like 7-10 times, also while working on this comic...

I just LOOOVE these two a lot!! After the end of the quest, I craved more and I desperately wanted their reunion 🥺🥺🥺
I adored the tension between them during the quest, and I wanted to project in on their personal relationship, which they've been building cautiously, taking little steps towards one another, working on a fragile balance between business and intimacy... until something SO BIG happened that it broke that balance and could've set them apart, but instead brought them even closer AAAAAH I LOVEEE ITT 🛐💓💓💓

About the comic itself, I just wanted - no, I NEEDED TO - to bring out the emotions I felt during the quest. Drawing it has been a cathartic stream of consciousness which I incredibly enjoyed, but I still can't tell if the outcome is the best paced and most coherent comic of mine - I think you can tell it was done in the middle of an emotional rush haha
I've learned to trust my feelings and inspiration, but sometimes I realized I'm "too much" into emotions that I can't really evaluate the work I'm doing. I tried to wait 4-5 days but I'm still too much into it, I love these two so much, so... you'll be the final judges of this one ♡

This time I also wanted to try a "simpler" coloring style and I focused more on the panels and narration, I had a lot of fun!!
I've been rambling a lot but I just hope this can make you feel part of the emotions I felt!! 💜


Last thing! I'm also working on the "nsfw reunion" (continuation of this comic) but I'm still at the ideation/sketch stage so it's gonna take a while. It's not going to be ready soon also because I want to draw something Genshin between one page and another!




ahhhhhhhhh this is soo gooodd *crying*

Ricco Õsaki

I just finished the quest and had the urge to come back to reread this comic and damn... The feels hit twice harder ;A;


Reading this after playing the quest hurt BAD 🥲🩷🩷