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Since I've been wanting to provide more content for my Patreon, I decided to give you guys a look at one particular story I have planned for the near future: The Prodigy

Unlike my other Mature-rated stories, this one would actually be given that rating for horror and gore themes instead of anything sexual. In fact, this project is meant to be an origin story for the villain Cozy Glow, and would show the dark descent into her sadistic madness. 

How would the story go, you ask? Well, let me explain what I have as a headcanon for the psychotic filly:


Shortly before the events of the Season 4 finale with Lord Tirek, Cozy Glow was actually a very gifted filly with a profound talent for chess. In fact, she became the youngest ever winner of a national chess tournament, which granted her a prestigious scholarship and her cutie mark. Because of that, Cozy was inducted into a highly-esteemed academy in Canterlot, despite the fact that the school was meant for high-school aged students.

Unfortunately, age wasn't the only difference between Cozy and her pompous classmates. Due to its close proximity to Canterlot, the school was mostly composed of unicorns, many of which having strong biases against other species or races. Because of that, Cozy became the sole target of many of her classmates, while most of the faculty and staff turned a blind eye. And due to how closely-connected many of her tormentors were to highly-ranked Canterlot elite (as well as the HeadMare herself), no number of complaints or reports were enough to keep Cozy away from their abuse.

Then on one particular day, just before Tirek began his reign around Equestria, Cozy was trapped in an especially cruel prank by a group of bullies, who left her completely alone in the woods with no easy way back to Canterlot. However, as soon as she's able to leave the foliage hours later, she finds all of her tormentors lying on the ground with their magic drained, and their bodies near-comatose after being caught by Tirek. This moment sparks the inspiration for Cozy Glow's future plans, as she realizes that taking away power was the best means to ensure a brighter future for herself.


Okay, with all of that out of the way, all I'll say is that the details of this moment would be shown in full detail, along with other points I'm not wanting to spoil just yet. The story would also show just how she manages herself following the events of Tirek's reign, and how she uses her new mindset to enact revenge on everypony who wronged her. Lives will be ruined, reputations will be tarnished, blood will be spilled, and several hearts will stop beating at the hooves of Cozy Glow. And believe me, this is definitely a story which will earn its Mature rating. ;)

So, what do you guys think? I was bored at work tonight (yeah, I know it sucks to work on Christmas, but hotels aren't exactly businesses that can close for holidays), so I crafted up the cover page above to give a brief idea of the tone I have set for the project. I also took the liberty of providing the bloody vector of Cozy Glow I created (or more specifically, the vector of Cozy Glow I added blood splatters to with Gimp). If anyone is interested in downloading the vector image, then by all means go ahead; personally though, I'm not a huge fan of the stain on her foreleg, which was why I had it cropped in the cover page itself. 

Anywho, I hope y'all have a wonderful holiday season, and be sure to stick around for 2020 to see what happens next. ;)



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