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 Over the years, Thunderlane and his younger brother Rumble had grown up quite a bit, and in significantly different ways. For Thunderlane, his time as a member of the Wonderbolts stunt team caused his body to grow quite acustomed to eating large quantities to make up for his strenuous physical activity; this meant that whenever he was off-duty and away from Wonderbolt practices, it was easy for the pegasus to bulk out and grow a rather... Daddy-like figure across his well-aged form.
However, his brother Rumble ended up carrying a much different physique after puberty set in. By the time he had grown into a full adult, the younger stallion had remained deceptively slender to accentuate his very... very feminine-looking appearance.

But despite how girlish he may have looked, Rumble couldn't have asked for a better type of body to show off his curvy features. However, even with all the pervy looks he received over the years from all kinds of guys, Rumble's heart was always set on the very stallion who remained a caring brother over the years; unfortunately, Rumble knew he needed a surefire way for Thunderlane to not only notice his affections towards him, but to actually accept them despite their blood relation.

Luckily for the femmy pony, he had plenty of makeup, girly clothing, and rather naughty toys to help catch the gruff Wonderbolt's eye~



"Mmmmphh! C'mon, you... you stupid strap!" Rumble groaned bitterly as he sat alone half-dressed, and fully peeved at the time restraint he knew he had. The grey pegasus may have had the door to his bedroom locked, and even made sure he was alone in the house before doing anything, but he still tr...


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