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It's been a couple years since Spike matured in a rather... unconventional way in terms of Equestrian standards. The drake was still the same pint-sized dork who worked as a loyal assistant to Twilight; however, he had also grown a rather adult-sized sense of promiscuity and shamelessness after experiencing some fun at the Dragon Migration. Ever since then, Spike had grown a much more open mindset when it came to sex and self-confidence, which had grown to him being eventually accepted (and sometimes followed) by his fellow ponies and peers.

Unfortunately, that didn't mean he would have fun whenever he wanted. The sluttified drake had to learn that the hard way when he went to attend and participate at the Equestria Games at the Crystal Empire. Even though he was a highly-esteemed guest in the city, he had to be warned sternly by Twilight and the other Princesses that he couldn't indulge in his debaucherous ways during the events. Since Royal dignitaries and representatives from all over were in attendance, Spike had to promise not to slut himself out to any ponies while the games were being held.

Unfortunately for the Princesses, Spike was clever enough to specify he wouldn't sleep around with ponies. And very fortunately for the little dragon, the locker rooms for the Gryphon Kingdom's athletes were just down the hall from the stadium...


SlutSpike and Gryphons

"Oh, come oooooonnnnnnnn!!" The purple dragon pouted after that involuntary whine, and crossed his arms in frustration while standing before the three Alicorns. Even though he knew better than to act so juvenile about the matter being discussed (especially when he hated when ponies automatically...


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