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Hi Papsikels!

I would like to share to you my Road Map for the Upcoming Months.

First I have an announcement to make.,

I'll be officially supporting a Skull Hunters faction list created for One Page Rules Grimdark Future by a fellow member and patron, #oldheadjoe in discord/ BlackQueenHobbies.


oldheadjoe contacted me, and presented me his work with the Army Forge Studio and followed their competitive validation guidelines to the letter.

he has been steadily updating the list to include every Skull Hunters model we have made and haven't done that are lore accurate.

with the 3rd edition of their OPR live., we like to make this list as an official 'Verified Creator' faction.

here are some of an Early Glimpse of what is Coming in the near future.

The Lore by Oldheadjoe.

The Hunters are the greatest Predators in the galaxy.  An extraterrestrial species motivated by a ritualistic culture of hunting dangerous prey for sport and honor, the Hunters have no martial equal. Ruled by a Council of Elders, the highly developed clan based society is not interested in expansion nor commerce, and seek only the glory gained from returning with the trophy skulls of the most challenging adversaries. Wielding advanced technology, powerful physiques, and tactical minds, even a lone Hunter is a terrifying opponent.   Hunters are well-rounded warriors with a desire for the thrill of close combat, and are usually organized into small groups, led by a veteran. Whether clan Elders focusing on leadership and tactics, or Elite warriors whose battle prowess is undeniable, these veterans have lived through centuries of successful hunts across countless star-systems and may also choose to operate independently. Hunters squads are frequently seen entering combat on foot using light-bending Cloaking Devices to ambush from the foliage, or from the air with the use of Raptor jetpacks, and often accompanied by flying Stealth Assault Craft. Other clans may strike hard and fast, without worry for stealth, leading charges upon high-speed Jet-Blade hover bikes or on the backs of the fearsome Hellhound Ligers.   Many clans of Hunters exist, some quite small in number, with distinct weapons and specialized methods developed over time.  Widows are females who have lost their mates to the Hunt and dedicate themselves to the precision of the Hunting bow; a more versatile tool than it may at first seem.  Feral Berserkers are primal Hunters with no regard for their own safety, rushing brazenly into combat with only one goal.  Those Hunters who have not yet slain a worthy enemy are called Young Bloods, and while physically equal to their older clan members, must prove themselves by accumulating skills and skulls before using more diverse weapons and equipment.  These Young Bloods, as well as the Hounds raised from native wild stock, are the loudest and most numerous elements of a hunting party, distracting the enemy and allowing Hunt leaders to enact vicious tactics.   The Hunters have known few true enemies throughout time, having become the galaxy's apex predator, but on those occasions which can be classified as 'War', other units have appeared which would be unthinkable for a hunt.  The Dishonored-- mercenary Hunters also known as Bad Bloods who care only about victory and use a wide assortment of devastating firearms without shame, Assassins-- hulking genetic Hybrids whose stealth belies their frenzying power, and Ancients-- legendary warriors with amazing skills reappearing after millennia to test their prowess again in a true 'Hunt of Ages'.   Regardless of the scale of battle, the prey being Hunted, or the locale, the Hunters remain one of the most fearsome forces in the galaxy, and revel in finding a new and worthy opponent.  How will you maintain the Hunters' dominance in the Sirius sector?

As we Prepare for the a New Phase of Papsikels Release.

I will be Updating my Old Welcome Pack

with a new Army Based Theme.  effective next Month October 2023.

as we update for the New Welcome Pack.  here is our Tentative Plan.


OPR Firefight (skirmish) army- New Welcome Pack


3 Hunters/ 3 Dishonored/ 3 Youngbloods/ 3 Hounds/ 1 Elder + Scenery + Ruler + Tokens

Expansion Packs

Wave 1- Core Units

Contents: 6 Hunters + 1 Elite + Bases

6 Dishonored + 1 Elder + objective markers

6 Youngbloods + Ancient + scatter terrain

6 Hounds + Elite w/Jetpack + Dead SkullHunters

Wave 2- Cavalry Units

Contents: 3 Reaper Jetbikers + Elder Rider + Bases + Bike weapon options

3 Hellhound Liger Riders + Xenosaur Rider + Bases + Scatter terrain

3 Raptors + Stealth Assault Craft (ship) + Bases + Ship weapon options

Wave 3- Unique Units

Contents: 6 Apex Hunters + 2 Assassin Hybrids + objective markers

7 Heroes (3 Elites/ 3 Elders/ 1 Ancient) + Temple

6 Feral Berserkers + 3 Widows + scatter terrain

the new welcome pack will not be completed right away but will gradually be built in the upcoming months.

This is a an amazing Set and we are excited for this.

Huge Thanks to oldheadjoe and too all of you my lovely Papsikels Patrons. without your support we wont be able to do this amazing faction.

We have Plans for Colonial Marines and Weyland Yutani Factions. 

stay tuned to on this post for more updates.





Wahhhh this is awesome news! I love OPR, so intuitive. Thanks a bunch Oldheadjoe for doing the hard work, much appreciation.


This is very exciting news - esp if this means that other OPR forces - like the XENOS - get a chance at having their own OPR rules as well. The Chance to field those awesome models in more games is fantastic (and we can't have those darn Skull Hunters getting away riding captured Xenos!)

James Meadows

this is so awesome. Ive already been using skull hunters as a rebel guerilla team with stealth for Firefight!!


Nice! I love the Rebel G's list, but I wrote Skull Hunters a LOT tankier and elite than that (almost Custodian level, but with lots more versatility). I'll be looking for more feedback as soon as I'm finished updating it for 3.0!