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Hello! It's been about three months since I opened Patreon and it's been absolutely fantastic!

I just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone for your support, I know it's generic but I really mean it. I do this outside of my everyday job in the evenings and it's really helping me towards bills and stuff. Being able to do what I love and working with you lot is really rewarding!

That being said, I was curious about what I can do to improve your experience over here? Whether there's anything I could do more of or even what you feel is missing.
I'm unfamiliar with how all this works so I'm opening up a safe space for discussion and comments, that way I can better myself!

Please feel free to comment about whatever you feel about my Patreon, feedback is necessary for improvement!

Thank you!




Any critique is welcome! I won't get offended because I can't expect to improve without feedback eh? Whether that's on my art or how I do things, and what I could do to better improve the experience here. Or any comments in general!


Just have fun doing what you like. I like everyting you do!


Thank you ❤️ that means a lot, I really do hope people are happy with what I produce