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Well, finishing up 2019 now...lots of memories, lots of art and cartoons done, and met lots of new and amazing people along the way.

I don't know if I have a lot to say that hasn't already been said, but thanks so super much you guys for the support, for sticking around, and for enjoying my silly little comics and pinup/sexy art.  Going into this next year, I hope I can fulfill many more needs and create even more art and comics for all you guys. :)

Its almost 2020!!!  WHERE are the self lacing shoes and flying cars and hover boards??? Other than that, look forward to more cool stuff coming up and have an awesome one guys! 



Glad to be around! Let's make 2020 a great year!


Glad to be a fan!


Trust me, we're working on the flying devices. Our main problem is the pilot component. . . Anyway, 2020 should be a great year. Your art and comics are a real inspiration and are fun to watch and follow. Here's to even more amazing work! You rock.