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The people have spoken, and the most votes this month went to Margaret of Regular Show!

It was kind of a tough race, and two of the choices were birds, but you guys wanted Margaret, so Margaret is what you get. ;)  

Hope I did okay on drawing her for the first time, but thanks for voting guys and look forward to the next pinup!  



Stoker Bramwell

Nice rendering on the breasts! It's like you've done this before X)


this is wonderful! :)

Marcus Heckinberry

I was NOT expecting you to nail her this hard...wow. Absolutely fantastic job.


Mordecai was a fool to not tap this.


Good job! Never saw the show, but really nice shading and color work. Thank you posting.

Matt Eldritch

I was hoping for Kitty from TUFF Puppy but this is pretty great. BTW, how come so many animal people women are fully clothed while males get to be naked?