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Hey everyone! For those of you who follow my twitter, you might have seen my post a few things these past few days. Turns out a lot can happen over the past few days, so first thing's first.

I've been working on the model for Mangle! Her model and materials are done, and I'll be having a friend of mine rig up her model soon too! Here's some WIP screenshots!

She's still a work in progress but I thought you'd all want to see!!

Next up is the animations! I made friends with a wonderful lady named Ashley who created a very expression Toy Chica model. A friend of mine encouraged me to animate with her, and after I did a wonderful person called Blu asked if she could voice them! You can find them here: 



I want to make a lot of stuff with this model in the future as well! Any future animations will also have more professional done voice acting by working closely with Blu, who I honestly would love to see voicing my projects more into the future.

I hope you all have enjoyed this update so far! And that I can't wait to make more for you all moving forward!



Eagerly awaiting Circus Baby.