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Big intro post lol.


It's AGDQ Time. Which means all the images I will be posting are from the Speedrun games schedule!

This is a massive project, prepared for 2 weeks in advance so I can produce more art for it throughout the week. (why prepare??) because speedrunners prepare too, for more time than 2 weeks of practice!

Even so, I will inevitably fall behind by the end, which is why every image will not always have alts; due to time.

This is the games schedule

This is the livestreaming site. It will run for 24/7, nonstop.
It starts 12 noon Eastern US Time , Sunday(TODAY).

Today's images are as follows:

Donkey Kong Country
SpongeBob SquarePants Cosmic Shake
Tails Adventure
Donkey Kong 64
Ultimate Doom


Also, I think Rescue Rangers got cut from their schedule last-second?
So I will include that image at the very end, or if Rescue Rangers is re-added in the middle of the week unexpectedly.

Anyway, that's why Ive been "quiet" all month! I've been busy! I will not be able to respond to every comment during the event, as I will be focused on it!

Thank you so much for your understanding!

p.s.: Suggesting new game characters? Please keep in mind that I do already have a plan laid out with a goal of around 40 images (I've already cut some of those images), and it is very unlikely to change.

p.p.s: Thank you again for your patience!




Tons of thicc ladies and futas already and more to come... I'll be eager to see what comes next


Very cool idea, also ga damn that Candy pic


You are so brave for doing this every time o7


Love it, some nice thicc ladies and futas are always welcome. Excited to see what you have coming next.

Reiku Yin

Steeped away from GDQ when t felt like it was less grass roots and now becoming very 'commercial' even for a charity mingled with just the lack of 1005 runs, but always good to see the work you put out with it.


Good stuff as always, best of luck on making it within the 2 weeks! Take care of yourself first though, not that I think you need to hear it *again*. I've still got that FemWario (bustyboy?) idea you suggested buzzing in my head from however many GDQ's ago, and while there's no proper Wario game this season it could easily fit for any one of the Mario Kart's.

Terri, Tailsko Simp

Thank you for making more Tailsko. Hope you're having a great time!