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Rarely I do sketches in this number in a given month, so this sort of thing is... uncommon...

But.. This month, I did numerous sketches...

I am very uncertain of the future of these images.. such as.. which ones will get any sort of continued treatment.

Also, Patreon analytics are reporting more-accurately now.
Within the prior 2 weeks of time:
Approximately 6% of my traffic originates from Gmail, 12% of my incoming traffic comes from pirate websites. 16% of it comes from Twitter. 17% comes from "other" and 49% comes from Patreon internally.

The attached ZIP file is a mirror of this gallery

Thank you, as ever, for your patience and support :)



Oceana Ice

#16, #17, #18


The vote is complete and has been since 2.5 hours before this comment. Do not record votes. The vote is complete. It is done. The winners were announced already The vote was originally announced nearly 6 days ago, with multiple reminders. The vote is complete. It is done. The winners were announced already