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Due to unexpected IRL interruptions, I've had over 14 hours of delays to my work! on this marathon of art with SGDQ picks, and I am definitely going to fall behind in some way.
I expect to have several more hours of delays ahead, too.

So, I might extend my time limit past the marathon's credits roll by those delays to catch up on a few things.

Anyway! I hope you've enjoyed the speedruns on https://gamesdonequick.com/

I'm gonna eat dinner and then continue working!!!



You uploaded like 3 pieces in a day calm down lmao you're fine


The goal is to tie uploads to the game schedule


Hey man, you're uploading more in 2 days than half the creators I follow upload in a month. You set up this ridiculous challenge, no shame in reeling back a tad.

Crane's Shadow

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I don't mind the delay. But yeah, I can see why trying for a goal and having to scale it back feels bad.


Prioritise yourself first! Your GDQ specials are a special treat for us, not a commitment to us after all.


Calm down already xdd, take ypur time, enjoy dinner, breathe lmao. You've done so much work it's incredible, but don't force yourself, see how far can u go but don't force it :3


Hope the delays aren't from anything too crazy!


No speedrun is complete without its fairshare of time losses


Take your time, relax, maybe have some birthday cake oreos


Belated birthday congratulations based on above post! :O


Hope you got some decent rest and some decent food while down. I can't say how much i appreciate your effort on these marathons. I believe in you! Sending you my warm feelings and my energy