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TLDR: Do not expect alternate versions of images immediately for this week! Explained why below!
AGDQ is happening *now* ... I mean.. 7 ish hours from *now*
"What are those funny letters, magic man"

Awesome Games Done Quick, a video game speedrunning event and charity. https://gamesdonequick.com/
It lasts for an entire week, and it runs 24 hours a day. That's 24/7!!!

What I do every year (and again in SGDQ in July!!)
Is attempt to speedrun my art. Some might call it "crunch time" and everyone who's read a video game article is fully aware of what that is. It's being a workaholic! Well, it is crunch time!

So that's what I'm doing, mostly as a personal test, just for a week during those times, to try and hammer out as much art as possible.

I have chosen a number of games from the Schedule already! https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule
I have planned out the whole week in advance though, so I might not be able to fulfill new suggestions. I'm only one person after all lol.

What this means though, is it is testing my ability to organize my workload as well, so I am going to not do alt-images yet unless I am completely, insanely-confident I have time to do them within the week.
It's likely those will be worked on over part of late January, and then delayed further by Valentines Day related stuff in early Februrary.

Also dont worry about my health, Im making sure to get at least 5.5-8 hours of sleep a day (sometimes my neighbors are noisy lol)

and I am taking regular breaks throughout the working time. 

I am not dumb enough to give myself carpal tunnel syndrome



Crunch away, save the animals, and remember to stay hydrated!


Good luck! And do enjoy the speedruns :3


i won't be streaming for the same reason hahah, let's watch together <3


(Star Fox voice) good luck


Awesome! Now I got two things to look forward to! AGDQ and your AGDQ art! ❤️

Jane Comstock

Good luck man, I'm sure these are pretty stressful to pull off but I always think they're super fun, so thank you!


Sounds good! Good luck with your challenge and stay healthy! I look forward to seeing what you can accomplish!


Godspeed and good luck


Sheesh and here I thought you were already cranking them out! Looking forward to it!