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The first image in a series of images I am doing "for" AGDQ.
I'm doing them for fun really. AGDQ is a video game speedrunning event hosted at https://gamesdonequick.com/

What I'm trying to do, is do as many images as I possibly can before the event ends. I did several images in advance so that I wouldn't fall too, TOO far behind.

This still results in a backlog....

The first speedrun is Splatoon 3, and starts later today...

Thanks for your support and patience!

Also, this is a direct reference to the MCM outfit that Missy Elliot did way way back then! Look it up!




Man this is outstanding. ^^ is quite good see finally at your style with a outstanding render too. amazing work Snao, good see you exploring new caracters.


Do you just draw all day everyday? I swear I see your patreon always come up on my notifications all the time lol


Best gurl 😤 (aside from Midna)


SUPREMELY grippable thighs


I literally just draw all day, with time to stretch my hands and light cardio, and typical life stuff. There aren't that many games Im interested playing in atm lol. I did play Nier Replicant for like 60 hours in December, and that was even with some save-editing to skip grinding rare weapon upgrade materials.


Was really hoping you’d draw Big Man; was not disappointed


Fantastic art aside, this specific combination of that shade of light blue and light green on dark skin is just the most aesthetically pleasing colour scheme for me. Good shit.


My wife ; w ;


Towering Marina is what we all need in life


Yahhh! I was browsing outfits and this one clicked


I'll watch you "Throw it back" anytime Marina 🎶