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I would be lying if I didn't admit I was not thinking about Brittanny "Cheetah" Diggers when I was drawing Frieda! I don't really have much of a backstory for her. She's just a cute, extremely tall woman who continues to crowd the country of extremely tall women in my catalog. '_';

Also there is Naoki Robo Goat.. and Naoki Cow's BULGE, which were posted on Twatter at lower resolution.




Naoki's goat form is very sweet. :3c And I love Frieda! Definitely support her pushing further with her water inflation kink. <3


There's a name I haven't heard in a long time.

Reiku Yin

She more tame then many in your catalog if that is considered overboard. The robogoat I might have to show that bulge to someone, might give me or them a solution on how to get endowed individuals into shorts on SL without having to cram it all in the front. That last one certenly sounds like a paper quite a few would need to read.


Frieda is excellent, almost wholesome relative to some of the others : p


These are all fantastic ♡

Pearls G1rl

There can never be enough tall women ❤️


Same. o_o I havent remembered since last week or so


What!! How's she more tame! 8V ... And pls do make this bulge happen in the 3D Virtual Realm.


I really like bulges that look like they can BOUNCE

Iridium Wolf

Lovely and awesome as always! :D


An excellent inspiration for tall and lanky. Lord knows I've had that particular inspiration in mind for more than a few character designs over the years. Basically I wish to headbutt Freida in the hip while she rolls her eyes and sighs; it's the best I can hope for. Thank you for the seam popping crowd she's involved with.


Delicious girls


Well! She still purrs and stuff.. and she is into ballooning up when she has a day off, so I'm sure she'd enjoy a purple creature's company 8V


LOVE seeing Freida Cheeda and her filling escapades! Please provide more content like that! ;3 And the logo on Naoki Cow's BULGE, the one above the 404, reminds me of the Cobra logo from G.I. Joe.