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Hi, please talk about what you do and don't like about this character.

Thank you.

She's a punk and a partyer, pulling people into her adventures like breaking into an abandoned warehouse to party in it, and then set up comfy conditions for squatters in it later on with the people who celebrated in it before.




Nipple piercings that are pierced through her clothes


Could use more huge. More everything, is more better. :V


Love: Multiboob <3++++, horsey bits (all of them, dick+++, hooves++, ears++, snoot+ the floof++, the hair and beanie. Don't love: That you haven't inked this yet. :P Even for a sketch the hooves are pretty rough. Were you waffling on whether to include them? Cute character all in all, good story, pretty positive!


I would say the quad tits substract from it. I enjoy multiboob, but sometimes it doesn't work. The rest is lovely though.


I like most of her. The hugemongous penis is more than I care for but not particularly detracting. Solid A-. ;p


I feel like if she's going to be starting trouble with the police she needs to better protect her balls.


I like practically everything about her. Though I think that, being a horse, she could be more of a "grower" than a "shower".


Ya, mebbe different power levels of erection or something


I'm just not that keen on horses/ponies. Proportions and style wise I would probably like her otherwise.


Yaaa, Ive gotten quite a few comments on the multiboob being kinda too busy so I'll prolly give it upppp


I see I see. :0 I'll prolly include such a pierce.


Love me some equine. Hope to see more of her especially some plush mare bits.


What I like: everything What I don’t like: nothing Other feedback: needs more piercings, like maybe a lip one or something


Plush mare bits may not be in the cards for *this particular* acharacter


huge troublemaker, hugerer assets. huge love for this horsey. huge questions about the pop/punk fashion world that caters to multiboob girls. huge.


How much do ya like the multiboob, because I've gotten a lot of pushback on that. ;w; :sweat_drops:


Multiboob Troublemaker that has an affinity for partying and heckling police? I'm in love, sign me the fuck up <3


I like that she is tall and kinda stronk and a benefit to society. Also the hair. I do not like the apparent fact that her nips are not dicks.


The heads overall fantastic, accessories suit the character and I love the long bangs. Lips could maybe be a tad bigger but probably fine in context with everything else. Not personally a fan of the second row of tits but they're whatever. Kinda wish there was some dick bulge there, but the balls are goddamn perfect. I'm just gonna assume there's a 10/10 booty back there because imo that's key to the punk look, along with the "smaller" tits compared to your other hyper work. Lastly, is that the faint outline of a nip piercing I see? Byootiful. Overall one of my recent favourites, went a bit more ham on the critique than intended but hey you're the one who asked ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Lauren Hahn

do like: the hair covering the eyes!! the big ol balls!! quadtitties! don't like? horsedick. I think human dicks are better


Yahhh, the multiboobs are incredibly divisive but I think Im gonna stick with them at this point unless people really really come to hate it.


Im prolly committed to the horse dong on this here particular character


Oh, are we talking old school metal punk or electro neon punk? I personally prefer the neon style (almost 80's vibe) that's being growing. Also, the pearl necklace does kinda say she's might be kinda rich. Probably gets out of bail pretty easy. Either that, or she "bribes" the police. What else... I like to see eyes, but the bangs style works fine; good detail on the muscles, (maybe a touch buffer, but that's just my preference) good proportions on the balls/dick ratio though maybe a little less on the dick, but obvious that's variable, heheh. But the biggest question- Which is better: a second set of awesome tits or a nice chiseled abdomen? I never have an answer for that, lol.


On that note: I will prolly lose the pearl necklace and replace it with something else like designed charms. Ya it'll be more modern-ish than old punk. And idk either, but I guess the answer is gonna be multi-boobs because Im getting less pushback on it after asking.

Mecha Kaiju X

Like: big titty horse gurlz, massive wang & balls, punkish characters with hair covering their eyes. Dislike: quadboobies are distracting, two are ideal. Overall good character just needs some minor fixes/upgrades :3


Hghhhhn. Everyone's so torn on the multi-boobs!!!!!

Lauren Hahn

something I wanna say, I love how the multiboobs are relatively small. lots of furries just make them all so big it's just silly


Yae, I got some comments on wanting them to be of equal size.


Not a fan of the multi-boob, but I do love the assets and I think a hyper vag version or a hyper muscled version would be fantastic. :D

Dr. Supersocks

I like the physical design and the hair; not a huge fan of the costume and the tail looks detached.


Hello, friend. I think the character is more or less locked in at this point. It seems like people enjoy the character as-is.


I think some more punkishness to her outfit would benefit her


Yahhh I gotta come up with actual clothes for her haha


Jeez, Snao. I like everything about her. She is an uncommon ticker of boxes. I like the ears; the beanie with the ears poking through; the hair mirroring the beanie, and I've the eyes. I like her horsey nose, and the white patch that covers it. I like her broad shoulders and erect but casual posture. I think the size and tautness of her upper breasts is perfectly suited to her, and I think her lower breasts are a wonderful size for gentle fondling and they're at a great position for expansion and pushing the upper set higher. Her hips are nice and wide, and her hands and arms are big and strong. Her tail is gorgeously floofy, and I'm a big fan of hooves any day of the week. Her crotch area is a wee bit confusing in this pic though. I honestly can't tell whether that's her belly or a sheath poking out the top of her pants. I assume it's a belly, but I am hugely tempted by the idea that that bulge across the front of her pants is a dick, with a second dick held in reserve with a different enough physiology that they get erect in different ways. Having her as an urban adventurer with a good heart, encouraging people to have fun and help others is icing on an already hugely attractive cake.

Fake Name

Multiboob where the different rows are different sizes has always looked completely idiotic to me. And it doesn't make any sense. All the rows should be the same size.


I'm worried about having to change the body type to prevent the boob from smothering the groin.

Keanan Clare

I really like everything you did for the head, the ears, the face, how the hat pushes her hair to cover her eyes. I'm personally not a fan of multi-boob, but it's a very niche market so feel free to tackle it for the people that do like it (maybe the bottom set should be bigger?) and the cloak thing that sits on the tail seems a bit out of place to me.


Thank you for your comments on this large horse! :0

Norman A. Letterman

Outfit needs work as other people have said but I quite like it on the whole, nice smile especially.


She's cute, looks a little sketchy though... Hoping for a completed picture ^_^


thank, hopefully the next version will be acceptable


Needs bigger HOOFS. Big enough to be mistaken for the toes of Boots. Also a little ambigious if I'm looking at her sheath or belly button.


I think she's great! Only thing I think is wrong is that her balls are much too small for the size of her cock. They need a few more litres of GRO pumped into them. Horses should have the biggest equipment! Also, what does the 50% mean? Is her cock only half as big as it usually is?


I like the thicker bottom lip, maybe both lips be thick? Not the biggest fan of multiboob but hey, it's your art! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


She looks wonderful! Def agree she'd look good with the bottom boobs a bit bigger tho, let em smother her groin a bit. That being said, she'd definitely look better with everything bigger too!


I personally have never liked hats on anthro's that have upright ears, unless they are obviously designed to have holes in them, but I'm probably just being nitpicky.


Yush, she will look good with enlargement, but that'll come at some point. Thanks for horse feedback!