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Hey folks! Blazeymix here. :) It's been an interesting year, hasn't it? Ignoring all the outside news, I hope you all have been safe and happy, as happy as you can be! Have I? No. Of course not, that's not realistic to expect from anybody though, hahaha. BUT! with all the bad times there's been tons of good. I feel like I've learned a lot about life, about myself. In the end, I'm happy, and that's all I can do. Do your best too, hang in there. :)

Now on to business! PokeBuns began development as a Visual Novel back in late February and early March. The art needed for Chapter 1 has been completely finished, with the exception of the Title Screen, which is currently being worked on and is being given special attention. Next year I want to focus on the art required for Chapter's 2 and 3, but as far as the playable Chapter 1 goes, I want to get that available and sent to everyone here very soon.

I admit my work on PokeBuns slowed down, because I began to work on my other long time and long sleeping project: Chronicles of Acorn. A lot of you are here to support that project, and I'm so glad and grateful for that. It feels.. good, and to be working on it again has been a blast. I love it. I really do.

It was hard for me to figure out what to work on this month, because I want to get something playable out by the end of the year, as a personal goal. Maybe I won't make it because my ideas get too ambitious, but I wanna try. But which game do I work on? Realistically, I suppose PokeBuns is closer to a finished chapter 1 then CoA to a finished Episode 3 Act 1... but I've some pretty great ideas that I want to get outta my head and into that game.

I've been working on the lore a bit for CoA.. some backstory stuff, but in terms of the game itself, I've been designing the Southern Great Forest, which I decided to expand into a big narrative that will really focus on story compared to the first two episodes.  Anyway.. That's my end of things. It's a slow process but I'm constantly developing both projects, and I hope you guys look forward to them and I really thank you for all the support. :)

On Sallyhot's end of things, well he's working on art full time. He's still a bit slow, but he's been working hard and I'm proud of him, and proud to be working alongside him again like the good old days. He's got a new YCH to finish, after that he'll be working on that Bianca pinup from the Poll, and maybe something else you guys might enjoy. :)

We got lots of stuff planned, so stay tuned and thanks for sticking with us. Stay safe and enjoy the Holidays everyone! Don't be a stranger either, leave some comments! We'd love to have a chat with you, or heck! Hang out at our discord if you're not already! :D




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