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Hiya everyone, Blazeymix here, and I've been sooo excited to share this with you but I've been keeping a tight lip on it until I could show you rather than tell you some huge news! Taking Sally(s) Pie is BACK!

So a little.. no. A lot of explanation. Starting from the beginning... of the end. Taking Sally(s) Pie, while a fun comic to work on at first.. it slowly dawned on my partner Sallyhot that it wasn't his cup of tea anymore. Smut, that is. That in itself is a longer story so I'll just move on. To help fix this issue in the middle of a very smutty comic, he and I tried to rewrite some of the story to better fit his tastes. While this worked for awhile, the next big issue became financial insecurity. We had less and less time to work on patreon stuff and yeah we decided it was time to just move on from TSP sadly. We knew it was never going to get done.

However, a week ago I asked Sallyhot for full ownership of the comic so that I myself could get it finished. My wonderful friend Aus-Army took up the role of pencil and inker while I will continue to color the comic and see it through to its original smutty end. ;)

And yeah, so here we are! the next part to Taking Sally(s) Pie is officially begun. TSP is back from the dead and Aus-Army and I will have the next couple pages to inked and flatted this month. :)  

In other news, I also received full ownership of Sub-Routines, and Aus will also help me finish that comic too!

As for Sallyhot, he's still on hiatus due to his real-life work duties. He's not going anywhere though, he'll be doing pinups and fun stuff here and there where he gets time. :)

So! I hope you guys dig the news and are as excited as I am! I'll be coloring this cover and you'll be the first to see it when it's done. Tata for now!



Blake Maiale

What didn't he like about it?


He just doesn't find smutty stuff to be as interesting to work on as it used to be.