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So I'd like you guys' opinions on some new content I was thinking of starting to do next year. How would you guys feel if I started doing properly lewd NSFW diaper content? Things like playing with toys, masturbating in diapers, couples being explicit, blowjobs, more overtly sexual things. I know the community seems mostly split on whether to be cute or lewd, so I'd try to have a balance. I'd enjoy trying out more lewd content but I'd like to make sure I don't alienate you guys.

I'd also like to start making fully finished pictures purely for Patreon. They'd be full background, shaded images I normally don't have time to do on my main account, probably with multiple characters. I'd have to cut back on the number of sketches I do a month to make time to do these though. Would people be interested in that?



You should totally do fully finished pictures! That'd be awesome!! And I say that lewd stuffs is A-OK, as long as there can be no room for confusion or misinterpretation in age. Lewd art involving underage characters is not only a huge turn-off for me, but more than likely to get me to stop backing and following any artist altogether


I want to give a balanced response and leave out my bias to what I want. <a href="http://billlly.deviantart.com/art/Tsuyu-619863022" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://billlly.deviantart.com/art/Tsuyu-619863022</a> I joined your patreon page because of this piece you did. If you want to do more mature/lewd art then I say go for it. My SUGGESTION though, would be not do be overly lewd. Like suggestive diaper tugging, or vibrating diapers would give off enough of an image as to what is going on, along with facial expressions. Now my preference is to not make your art porn, though some enjoy that style. i enjoy the artist Merunya, but she makes stuff that is completely lewd and it's just not my thing. Still good art obviously. And if you're contemplating more full style sketches with color and background, maybe do a weekly 1, but keep your sketches coming as you complete them. Overwhelming yourself with full style sketches might limit you to posting less and getting less attention, compared to your frequent sketches that i personally enjoy. In the end it's still up to you, but that's my suggestion :3


Honestly, I think Matt said it pretty well. I'm all for some lewd stuff here or there and you are the artist and should do what you want. :-)


I need to prepare a little bit more before I switch to doing that, but I'll definitely do the finished pictures in the future! I think a lot of people would like that. I totally understand, I'll avoid considering young children characters for lewd all together. Just to clarify though, by underage characters, you mean like no loli or shota things, like no obviously child aged characters like the Digimon children. Are teenagers drawn with more adult proportions fine? A lot of anime characters are teens and just drawn more adult-like in lewd stuff. Like the Naruto Shippuden cast.


I myself would be all fore more lewd stuff, but I support Merunya and she runs an explicit lewd stuff business as she really does enjoy doing the porn and markets herself as an adult artist. That said she really does enjoy the cute stuff too, and does that well. I had her do me some stuff my restaurant's menu that was just sweet and lovely and not at all lewd stuff. I think the key here is the use of filters and tags. If someone wants to avoid the porn they should be able to. Sadly, I don't think patreon is not well set up to do that based on my 30 seconds of research. On the other hand I'm Amish, so I may be reading this wrong. I don't know what other platforms you're on, but tumblr might be a better place to say "hey I'm doing lewder stuff now." Even dA cause you at least have to opt in to the lewd stuff. Which is diapers by their logic often and showing a penis is very naughty while boobs are less so, but I digress.


Full color works does sound cool, btw, I think you got that but add my voice to the choir.