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Dear fans, I apologize for keeping you waiting for so long. Unfortunately, I have brought you some bad news this time. I will now explain my current situation to you.

I have been trying to create these days, but I have found that the quality of images generated by AI is not as good as before, and the error rate of human body structure is very high, which has made my creative work extremely difficult. At first, I thought it was a matter of my own mentality because my requirements for the work were indeed quite high. However, even though I lowered my expectations to create, the progress was still not smooth. So I kept trying various characters, but it was like hitting a wall everywhere, which made me feel extremely frustrated. Today, I once again gathered my spirits and hoped to create works by Ye Lan, but the result was still disappointing. When I asked my friend for help, he told me that there was a recent update to NovelAI, and perhaps the problem I encountered was related to it. Based on my understanding, the updated NovelAI provides more accurate tag descriptions than before. And I have my own understanding of AI. Although the tags I use are relatively scattered, they can still achieve good results. This approach seems to no longer be applicable after the update of NovelAI. After learning this conclusion, I tried all the tags I had researched before and found that the quality of the produced images was not as good as before. This is a very bad situation, which means I need to adjust all the results of my previous research.

The above is the difficulty I am currently facing. I need to take some time to adjust, but I haven't updated it for a long time. I am currently unable to create the set of images, so I can only update my previous works before the NovelAI update.



Tequila Gabriel







感觉作者是不是爱好变工作之后导致的倦怠?我个人觉得如果因为更新压力导致水平下滑和创作热情衰竭都是很得不偿失的,毕竟大伙都是冲着作者的质量和创作理念来的。 如果ai逻辑改变了的话,个人更加认为作者您可以减少更新频率,调整创造手法。 我觉得您不必慌张,你现在的画风不也是从早期一步步进化的。 当然本人并不太明白ai创作的流程,只是一点本人作为支持者的想法。

Chan Alfa





理解作者现在的状态~这是常有的事,作为支持者不希望看到因为更新压力而本末倒置,希望作者在调整创造手法时重新找回探索的乐趣~ 你平时也可以分享下创造过程或想法,总之不用太有心理压力~大家都是为了涩涩的艺术

Mikayori (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-19 09:55:02 I think you are experiencing burn out, I also feel the same thing, where I feel my results are bad and I am not satisfied with the results. Of course something good requires a good mood too. You should rest for a while, and make sure that during your rest time you don't open/experiment with prompts. This will slowly free you from burnout and be able to explore or discover new things in AI :)
2024-06-03 05:53:07 I think you are experiencing burn out, I also feel the same thing, where I feel my results are bad and I am not satisfied with the results. Of course something good requires a good mood too. You should rest for a while, and make sure that during your rest time you don't open/experiment with prompts. This will slowly free you from burnout and be able to explore or discover new things in AI :)

I think you are experiencing burn out, I also feel the same thing, where I feel my results are bad and I am not satisfied with the results. Of course something good requires a good mood too. You should rest for a while, and make sure that during your rest time you don't open/experiment with prompts. This will slowly free you from burnout and be able to explore or discover new things in AI :)