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Firstly, sorry for sending the reward one day late, I totally lost track of time. I didn't want to give you the feeling of scan or anything.

Thank you so much everyone for supporting me for another month and hope you guys are enjoying my content so far!
As I mentioned before, I'll be on Hiatus for 1 to 2 months to work on a project I joined to pay my bills.
I'll be posting updates of the project since they allowed me to!

I'll respect any of your decision towards your pledge! But if you keep supporting me, I'll be forever thankful to you!!

Thank you so much and sorry for any inconvenience!!




If my small contribution can help during your time off high stress I don't mind paying for a few months without rewards. I really like your stuff and want to see more even if there's a wait

One Edgy Boi

Sorry to bug you but I haven’t received the rewards. Also, taking a break for a few months is completely fine.


I have not received the rewards either.


I havent recieved the rewards either perhaps its cause im a new supporter?


ah, I've sent it but It seems patreon is having issues with PMs, give it some time and let me know if still not working. I apologize


ah, I've sent it but It seems patreon is having issues with PMs, give it some time and let me know if still not working. I apologize


Sorry, it seems you pledged a bit late for March rewards. I apologize!


I'm very thankful for your support, I'll be back with Patreon content soon! Thank you so much!!!


Just got it


Damn. This set is definitely one that I should not have missed out on. 😔