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Leave the feedback for this version here please ^^


Aeraki Baer

I kept getting a consistent softlock when I sold an equipment to Lokelda and then tried to exit her dialogue. Discovered that you don't even have to sell an item, only have to select an item in the sell menu, back out, and hit leave. If you do the method for the softlock, BEFORE you hit leave, go into the buy menu and select an item, and it will overwrite the softlock state and work weirdly(as it doesn't line clear her dialogue) but still not softlock. replicated 4 times.


Damn, you are right, and it looks to be a really, really old bug, because I didn't touch the vendor since...forever, I'll get it fixed for next version, thanks!


Quite a few scenes have the updated UI but static images(the prince is the one that comes to mind), and others haven't been updated(the docks and also particularly in the gym, like the owner dude and the shower scenes). Have these been updated too but for some reason they are failing for me or are they supposed to be like this?(just checking) Also, I mentioned in the other post about the underwear bug but never got around to posting the picture: https://imgur.com/QqjysqY


Yeah, not all scenes are updated yet, in this version only the ones with the vendors, the prison guards, and the night scenes in the city. And in that picture, if you are talking about having hair showing under the jockstrap, that's intended, it's not perfect at all, but that's how the hair texture looks on the body with the bulge.


More anal for female PC pls. Particularly for battle lose scenes. It seems more likely for the loser of the fight to be pleasured than violated. Lets make enemies more like enemies and less like potential short-term lovers.