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Leave the feedback for this version here please ^^



Hey, there is an issue with card duping, the numbers aren't showing how many I actually have. I think its mainly because its not counting those in my deck, and when I add them back, they duplicate, or something. I sold the same gold card 3 times and it still says I have 3.

Adam B

Just wanted to say I'm really glad I found out about this game. Great job!! Keep up the work! Still enjoying myself in Stormwind. Question about upgrading my version from 8.8 to 8.9, does it keep my save or do I have to start from a fresh save?


It keeps the save, but there is no save file, sadly I don't know how I could do that with the addon I use to code the game, and the game gets saved in your registry, so if you change PCs it will be difficult for you to move the saved game :S

Joshua Riddle

There doesn't really seem to be any kind of in-game tutorial on how to actually win at the card game, I just kind of flounder around and sometimes win, and whenever I try to play strategically it somehow decreases my chances of winning- basically it's extremely hard to understand what you're doing wrong if you're losing


Yeah, I thought about showing a tutorial, having an Info button, or something like that, but I ended up not doing it because of time, I'll try to slide it in in one of the versions. You basically have 3 types of cards, Tank, Charge and Normal Tank makes the enemy attack that card only. Charge lets you attack as soon as you play the card. Normal is...normal xD you play the card and need to wait a turn to be able to attack. You need to kill all the enemy's cards to win. I recommend you play focusing on the charge cards, play taunt cards so they eat the damage, and save your charge cards to kill big enemy cards instantly.

Rapheal Stevenson

In Stranglethorn the night events between Janet and Zarkhan, and Nick and Zarkhan only load a black screen. It can be exited out via the escape key though. (Reno and your characters event seems to load fine)


Yes, it looks like I missed the N in StraNglethorn when writing the variable that signals the game to play those scenes, it will be fixed in the next version, thanks ^^