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op 538-539 patreon

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And the return of Sea Dad! Praise the Jimbei! Though don't think to hard about that 'First Son of the Sea" title, it's not royalty related, it's just his actual title is something that is pretty much impossible to accurately translate to English since it's a combination of a specific term used for certain Yakuza members and a pun on the similarity between that term and the Japanesse term for an ocean straight or channel. A more accurate translation would be something like "Godfather of the Sea"


you would think if queen otohime could survive giving birth to shirahoshi and being penetrated by neptune, then she could survive anything.


I'm just saying, keep the stupid fishbrothers behavior in the back of your mind.


Akainu redemption backstory next?

F. Carasind

Because pirates are hated anyway and don't conform to the usual social conventions, non-humans like fishmen or giants could well have been part of a crew even in the days of the Sun Pirates. It is often overlooked that Oda presented us with a mixed-race crew quite early on - because hardly anyone likes the Foxy pirates.


I get that it seemed a little comical with Jimbei "revealing" the sun tatttoo and all, but I'm pretty sure Nami's reaction was supposed to be surprise about the background story, not the tattoo in and of itself. She already noticed Jimbei's tattoo when she was still in the taxi. That's why she looked at him weird before even talking to him. Anyway, she knew Arlong had the same tattoo, but she didn't know the meaning. Isn't it crazy btw. to think that Oda already had most of this thought up at the beginning of One Piece? Considering, how deliberate the design of the sun tattoo is, in order to cover up the branding of the slaves and all that, it's wild to me, that Oda already put this very tattoo on Arlong in episode 30 or something including a mention of Jimbei sending Arlong there.


you finally noticed fishverly hills haha


It’s so distressing watching Zoro fighting underwater like that 😱 My worst nightmare is drowning 😵