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op 264-265 patreon

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And the fun begins. You'd think by this point the Straw Hats would know ANY plan they come up with needs to go 'Stage 1-Luffy rushes in head first and starts kicking ass'

Gus N

Do be careful clicking around with this opening, it has a big spoiler for this arc. Fun fact though, if you're watching on Crunchyroll, if you look at the top comments for the episode, someone usually has commented with a timestamp for exactly when the title card is.

Gus N

It's crazy that the Gate of Justice is bigger than the island. It must weigh millions of tons.


More lost-in-translation puns: "Oimo" is the second giant's name, but it's also a way in Japanese to say "me too". So the running gag is, Kashii will say something, and Oimo will agree with his buddy by shouting "Oimo!"

Mithril Lace

lol every time you say Anus Lobby. XDDDDD It's actually "En-Eez" but hey, Anus Lobby is pretty accurate in any case. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOF THE SHITSTORM ON THE HORIZON I AM SO READY

Alice Lapin

I love how many times he makes an off-hand comment.... that's true. XD. This dude's clairvoyant.


heh, the giant with the orange hair is called "oimo"...its a wordplay, bc he says "me too" a LOT, and "me too" in japanese is "oimo" lmao