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Patreon OP 41 42 43

Watch "Patreon OP 41 42 43" on Streamable.



So, episode 46 and 47 are not really filler despite how it may seem. Oda puts a frame on the cover of each chapter, and many of these chapter covers can chain together to make a story, to give us an idea of what's going on, meanwhile, with another character elsewhere on the seas. 46 and 47 basically adapt this cover story and flesh it out.

Josep Guilaña

Dude i was drinking when u just say that looks the same when i choke on milk, you almost killed me 😂


Reading back over my reply it looks like an info dump, my bad lol. I'll summarize my suggestions. Skip 54. Watch just the first 8 minutes(starting from the opening credits) of ep 55 Skip 56-60 Watch ep 61 starting at the 13 minute mark. Skip 132-135.