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So I thought I'd have today and tomorrow before I'd have anything more on this contract, but that ended up not being the case - while we're waiting for the next model, we're pressing ahead with its animations.  And good God are these animations bad.  I thought the other ones were terrible, but some of these are worse...

On the bright side, page 2 of Mo & Liz's encounter is fully inked, those inks are colored and organized, so now all that's left is to color it.  Whether there will be time for that over the next week is the question.

Where this contract has been such a huge - but well-paying - disruption, I'm debating making this a free month.  That would involve shutting my campaign down for just a few days at the end of the month, so we skip the billing cycle.  If I do that, I'd post the high-res versions and the source files just the same.



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