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I finally have an extended weekend off! Whether I can get anything drawn is the question, though... My youngest niece's burthday is today, there's a big family get-together tomorrow (mainly my brother's in-laws, so I'm hoping to duck out), then on Monday I fly back home. If I can't do any comic work, I can at least scribble a Daisy pic or two... or work on the modeling guides for Aeolus's Davey & Daisy! Once I'm back in Florida, it's back to animation, and this latest batch contains some doozies. It's all the locomotions for the game's zombies, but most of them are decidedly un-zombie-like. Complicating things - the client apparently has some hard-coded values, so we're not allowed to change the footwork or the velocity. They're so nervous, in fact, that they don't want us to touch the transition animations at all, apart from applying the proper start & end poses! And if there are any animations that REALLY need some cleanup, it's those transitions. Holy fuckballs are they terrible... On the bright side, it means that only a few animations require any real work, and I get to film myself doing goofy zombie-walks as reference!



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