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So, billing is paused again.  Lately I've just been feeling wiped out. Moving twice in the past several months, the stress of the one contract at the same time as both moves, scrambling to get the Christmas thing done when there just wasn't enough time or energy for me to do so...  it's all taken its toll.

Spending the past month in Michigan hasn't helped much, either. The cold I can deal with. The often grey skies, not as much. My brother's attention-hungry dogs & cats, though...  it seems like any time I sit down to work on something, THAT's the moment the animals decide that they need me to pet them. And since my brother & his wife have been out of town for the past week, the animals are that much harder to ignore.

In another week, I'll finally be back home. Hopefully I'll be refreshed by then, or soon after.


Graeme Thorburn

Take the time that you need. We can wait.


I feel ya man. It's been rough on my end too.