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So here's my latest stupid thing, to help get me back into a drawing mindset...

Basically if Rose can shrink down to Daisy's size, what if Daisy can also grow to Rose's size?  The catch - her breasts would grow proportionately, meaning they'd be even bigger!  Another possible catch - the growth trigger would be much more specific, making it less likely to happen at random.  

Another inspiration for this idea - I still have no idea what to do with my super-busty girl Mimi.  I know one idea was to have be a teacher who wears a muumuu, but nothing's clicked yet.  Apart from using her as a template for a tall Daisy, I may end up making her one of Monique's supporting cast.



Brian Christy Burke

Is this what happens if they do the DragonBall fusion dance?



Stush Cinta

Whoah, this is actually pretty hot~

Sleepy Dave

Get some stories from your nieces about their teachers and use those with Mimi


hells to the yes, this needs to happen sometimes. An occasional.. amazing thing, haha.


teacher stories aren't so much of a problem. Whatever the character's "hook" is - if she's struggling with being busty, Daisy's already got that covered...


This is so remarkably silly and I love it.