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After four days of park-hopping, my feet are aching.  Now I'll be recovering over the next couple days, and probably making friends with a bucket of ice.

In the meantime, the suggestion box for Mary's Monster Month has been open all week to the $5+ tiers!  So far there are only a couple of suggestions, so unless more are submitted in the next couple of days, I may either combine them or draw both, rather than put them to a vote.  

One way or another, the plan is to get back to work on Monday!



is it limited to the Mary-verse? cause i have an idea im seriously considering upping my pledge for a month to do it but its very Fan art-y and i dont really have a Mary based idea


The general idea is suggestions should be Halloween-themed, and preferrably might involve Mary in some way, since this is the one time of year where I make a conscious effort to draw her. Alternatively, it could be another excuse to put Daisy and/or Monique in skimpy costumes, just as long as those costumes still fit the Halloween theme.