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It's that time again!  Well, almost - October is Mary's Monster Month, and I'd like to hit the ground running.  So, let's try to have all suggestions in by Wednesday (9/27)!

The rules are simple - ideas should involve Mary-Anne (human or werewolf), monsters, or Halloween in general.  Squeezing Daisy and/or Monique into sexy costumes is also acceptable, as long as it fits the Halloween theme!


Sleepy Dave

Naked Mary in the forest standing next to a wash tub and hanging her clothes up to dry with gore covered chainsaw off to the side "Man, i gotta find a less messy way of dealing with zombies."


Daisy stands on one side, face and hands wrapped in bandages wearing sunglasses and an open trench coat, only framing the fact that her torso and legs are completely nude and looking very exasperated and confused. Mary next to her in a Beagle Boy outfit says " oh wow are we doing nudie costumes this year? how Risque!" while beginning to life of her top. Daisy is exclaiming in response "NO! there was supposed to be a mirrored jumpsuit to this! for the whole - y'know - invisible effect! where'd it go?" while Monique on the far side dressed as a cavewoman nervously says "non non, C'est nudie costumes! what a good idea..." as she tries to kick a mirrored jumpsuit off screen while pulling at her top to match Mary GEE ITS HARD TO SCRIPT A SINGLE IMAGE WITH DIALOGUE