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...I can think of no better way for the world to end.

That said, one fun idea that was tossed around during last night's stream, is that Monique would spare the world as long as she's properly "satisfied".  But then when Bill steps up to do his part, she decides "NOPE!" and wipes out the world right then and there.



Brian Christy Burke

She could be good Phoenix too... it all depends on coloring. So, does this mean the real Monique didn't die in space and instead is healing in a cocoon while a clone of her is being made so that she can have a child that will be sent into the future to fight Apocalypse?


...have I ever mentioned how much I've come to hate the X-Men's convoluted history? Gotta be some of the worst outside of DC Comics...

Brian Christy Burke

And my knowledge is out of date... who knows what's happened since I last read those comics.


Love this too! Just thinking about the lewd things she'd do with all that power...😊


At least with DC, its obsession with rebooting its continuity every decade means that most of the really weird stuff got edited out. Marvel doesn't do hard reboots, so all the stupid stuff is still there. Anyone wanting to understand Spidey's history still has to wade through Clone Saga and that's terrible.


Unfortunately DC is also kind of bad at rebooting things, because it's always partial. The "New 52" changed so much, but left Batman & Green Lantern alone. Now they've done the Superman Rebirth story which did a soft-reset, and it's unclear what is and isn't in continuity. Then again, that's something Marvel is better at - ignoring previous continuity until it's needed. The X-men are where this fails, because they have so many time travelers and back-from-the-dead characters.

Brian Christy Burke

Just think about the continuity problems you'll have with Daisy in twenty years time. "Wait, she can't go back in time again! That giraffe took away the magical scepter!" "No, that happened with the robot Daisy, we're talking about alien reptile Daisy." "So, is when she worked at the dinner real now, or was all that still implanted memories?"