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I don't know if I ever shared these - years-old animation ideas for a Daisy platform game!  The idea never went any further than these scribbles, but lately I've had a rush of ideas...  starting with the health system.  

In the Mario games, you start with one hit point, but gain one or two more with power-ups.  Sonic has rings and shields.  Daisy - like Arthur in the Ghosts 'n' Goblins games - would have her clothes.  By default she may start with 3 hit points - one hit removes her work uniform, leaving her in a t-shirt and her underwear; the next hit destroys her sports bra, which may in turn limit how fast she can run or how high she can jump; the final hit would shred her remaining clothing, causing her to quickly cover up and dash off screen.  As the game progresses, her clothing could be upgraded - stronger buttons, stretchier fabric, a more durable sports bra, etc.

From there, things kind of snowballed.  Daisy would be out to rescue nearly all of my other characters, thanks to a misshap with one of the story devices I haven't introduced yet.  This gave me ideas for a few level themes, along with several boss fights.  Also unlockables - rescuing Rose or Monique could make them playable (Mini-Rose, anyway), while rescuing Violet might unlock abilities based on comic books!

...or course, I have no idea how to do any of this.  The animation would be one thing, but making a working game is a whole other beast.  I could start playing with Unity, but do I really want to dive into yet another technical thing?  A kit like the Corgi Engine could reduce a lot of the work, but not all of it.  And even then, there's more to making a game than character animation and an engine.

Then again, Unity is free for personal use, so perhaps I should give it a whirl...  some time AFTER my current technical projects are finished.




I was looking at Corgi Engine when I started playing with a 2D platformer of my own. It looked pretty solid, but I didn't get a chance to play with it directly. I would definitely recommend using a premade engine than trying to build your own, though.

Brian Christy Burke

Would a power up mushroom make her even bigger?


Monique can take an extra hit cause she doesn't mind walking around naked.


I myself had been entertaining the idea of a platformer so to have Day and the gang in their own platformer is right down my alley. My fingers are ready~.


Corgi does seem to already have most of the features I might want, and supposedly the code is thoroughly documented...


I'm by no means a professional, and my time is currently split between other stuff, but in the off chance you decided to go forward with the idea I'd be happy to help out if I could.


fortunately it may be quite some time before I can even get started on this, if I do go forward


I love it, it sounds like a project i'd eagerly await each update, as for unity i find it to be pretty straight forward, you can do a lot with pretty limited knowledge, the rest will come with experience.