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Is this what the whole photoshoot is going to be like? I agonized… sitting there naked in this stranger’s apartment…..

“Ok, we are ready to start!” He pronounced. I had thought we started what seemed like hours ago (but was honestly, probably just 10 or 15 minutes). He sat about 5 feet away from where I was sitting, and started taking photos. He reminded me to be in my own world, smell the flower, think about things that make me smile, enjoy the high heels and stockings and feel them, etcetera.

As the music played, I did as he said, and he didn’t hardly speak a word, just mumbled an occasional “mmph” or “lovely” that sounded like it was in approval of whatever I was doing. That dance continued until my insecurity started to creep in, and he could tell.

“Let me grab your robe, and we can look at some of the images”. I was relieved. Unsure about what I was doing there, worried that he could possibly take advantage of me at any time… I could see him scrolling through images on the back of his camera. I could take him if I needed to. I thought to myself, guessing he was around 70 years old, a little hunched over… Wait, that’s crazy, he hasn’t made any sketchy moves! Why am I thinking like this? “Look at you!” He pushed the camera towards me, interrupting my mental spiral. My eyes landed on the little screen where I was beautiful. I was all skin and lust, and so beautiful. I was enriched with my own essence. Finally some way in the world, my inner sexy minx was allowed to exist!

“Wow I love these!” I wanted to sit and look at them all… but also wanted to shoot some more. We got right back to shooting.

After some time posing and emoting for his camera, I finally felt honored to be there. My body allowed itself to writhe and move without hesitation. I was, for the first time in my life, safe to be eroticized on my own terms.

I knew I took a risk at taking this offer, I felt it was risky to show up here alone… but who was I going to take with me? I didn’t have any friends who I wanted to talk about my nude modeling with… I just did this alone. Fortunately this time, I felt there was a little reward in my attendance, a complete 180 from my first photo shoot experience…





Friendly Ghost

Oh I love this so much, Kristy! Thank you for sharing your story.

Timothy Knox

We are all grateful to him for showing you that not all photographers are b@stards. And to you for sharing your inner and outer beauty with us all. :-)