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According to Wikipedia: "The development of Religious Trauma Syndrome can be compared to the development of Complex PTSD, defined as a psychological disorder that can develop in response to prolonged, repeated experience of interpersonal trauma in a context in which the individual has little or no chance of escape. Symptoms of RTS are a natural response to the perceived existence of a violent, all-powerful God who finds humans inherently defective, along with regular exposure to religious leaders who use threat of eternal death, unredeemable life, demon possession and many other frightening ideas to control religious devotion and submission of group members.[1]"

...I discovered the root of a lot of my emotional issues in my 30s, while going to therapy for narcissistic abuse. 

I bring this up because its a MAJOR defining factor in why I started modeling nude in the first place: It was in direct rebellion from my strict religious upbringing. 

Have you experienced anything like this? 



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