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It might be a bit odd for me to be writing about this here on Patreon... but I truly hope to get a closer connection with you here. I encourage you to reply in the comments below...

I grew up just like any other kid... not allowed to watch public TV... put to work for my dad... sheltered and strictly controlled... that's normal, right? There were a lot of rules in the house: what not to say, how to reject a marketing call on the phone, how to perform our morning routines in sequence with a good attitude (rewarded with money or candy, or punished with paycheck ‘dings’, spankings with a rubber spatula, or pinches… after spanking was deemed abusive)… but above all else, JESUS was always brought up to warn us that we better behave like little angels. “What would Jesus do?” I went through the motions and did as I was told, to the best of my ability, to prevent any parental outbursts of anger.

(Photo selected because I definitely felt "bound" to my responsibilities and lifestyle in my youth, before rebelling...)

What was your childhood like?




I grew up in a Buddhist family and my parents were like that, but they’re immigrants who worked hard to come to America. I’d get spanked and yelled at if I didn’t do my homework in elementary school. A few times, I would get locked out of the house until dad came home and my parents would take turns yelling and smacking me. I was a lazy kid, but they went overboard. Sure, I might have graduated in the top 1/4 of my high school classmates, but they didn’t need to abuse the shit out of me. When it comes to religion, I personally feel it’s best I keep my beliefs to myself because I really don’t want to end up like those Jehovah’s Witnesses that would always pester me into joining their church. I firmly believe in leaving people alone to their own devices. I might be a Christian now, but it’s because I chose to be one. I also don’t belong to a church. I’m content to read the Bible alone and not be influenced by others. People will call me a walking contradiction for being so sexually open minded, despite being religious, but I tend not to care what people think of me. I walk my own path. Live and let live is a concept that people have forgotten.

Timothy Knox

I found out (much later in life) that the “church” I grew up in was widely considered a cult. I didn’t know. I thought everybody went to church for three plus hours every Sabbath, with numerous other meetings throughout the week, and of course going to their school. It took me decades to break free.


I appreciate that you don't dedicate your life to converting people! I feel like that's the church's #1 prioroty next to shaming and fearmongering. Thats so messed up what your parents did! how hypocritical for Buddhists... I thought buddhism was supposed to be the most chill/ peaceful type of religion!