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What soothes your soul? And what is your trauma trigger? I have a theory that my fetish for the sound of an acoustic guitar stems from my early childhood: On the good nights, my younger sisters and I were put to bed, and fell asleep to the soothing sound of my dad’s bar chords echoing from down the hall, while he led his bible study or practiced Jesus music. On the bad nights, it was hard to fall asleep because we had to listen to my father yelling at my mother. I couldn’t imagine what my mom could have done to deserve that kind of anger… to me she seemed like the best human in the world: the kindest, most beautiful, best mom ever. But boy was my dad mad… I still remember it, but to this day he boasts that him and my mom “never even had a single argument their whole marriage”… I guess he doesn’t realize I can remember those nights when it was hard to get to sleep….
Please tell me what is soothing to you...





Friendly Ghost

Was your dad alcoholic? That could be one possible explanation for the late night yellings. It's not an excuse though, but just a possibility. My granddad was alcoholic and my poor grandma who was as much an angel as your mom was, had to endure so much hardship. As for your question, what soothes me is the sound of a cat purring.


He is a firm believer that alcohol is acceptable "because jesus turned water into wine" but he also has a temper where he gets irritable with people over minutae... for example... berating the mcdonald's employees over the drive through intercom and letting his stress levels sky rocket with his three small children in the vehicle. It's awkward when you're 7 and feeling empathy for fast food employees because you can't do anything to calm down your father's impatience.