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This quickly became one of my most popular selfies on my Instagram, and like I promised in my post, I have a whole lot more including full nudes to share with you!! I also included a few other behind the scenes cell phone shots attached to the bottom of this post: Pre-makeup camping snapshots of me in my jammies, in the tent, my breakfast, and a cell phone shot from the laptop screen of one of the hundreds of epic shots we acheived in that otherworldly black sand!

By the way, yesterday I sent everyone (whose payments cleared!) their monthly rewards, and I dropped off prints and INSTAX to those who pledge for them. Please check your messeges here if you didn't get the notification yet, and don't hesitate to message me with questions! :) I don't bite I promise

33 images in total (including explicits) available to all who pledge $29 and higher

22 "Playful" images available to those who pledge $5-$16 :) 

Dropbox links to the Black Sand Selfies Set:

$5, $10, & $16 "Playful" images, 22 total

**Same password I sent you for entire month of OCT** (this link will expire in 30 days, will be available for an extended time to those who pledge at least $10 at the end of the month)

$29, $36 "Extra Sexy" 33 Images total

**Same PW I sent you for entire month of OCT!**

$49, $56, & $99 "Smokin Hott" Folder, 33images 

**Same PW I sent you for entire month of OCT!**

The explicit content ($29-99+ pledgers) will expire after 30 days, no extended access available for these sets. Get in while it's hott!

And a quickie explanation for those of you who are new:

Playful pics/ Playful Vids = $5, $10, $16 pledgers

NAUGHTY Pics/ Playful vids= $29, $36, 

NAUGHTY pics/ NAUGHTY vids= $49, $56, $99

*********Video Editing like NUTS these days. ********

I have been putting my little machine (Samsung Ultrabook Laptop, 2lbs)  through the RINGER editing video like a BANSHEE in between shoots while on tour! Here's what I have had on my plate to edit this month:

-Music Video to benefit Lou Gehrigs Disease (8 hours of shooting!)
-4 BTS videos from photo shoots with Indigo Images
-Like 7-10 BTS videos from my trip to hawaii with Art of Women
-Adventure summary video for Fetishcon (set on the backburner from august's Fetcon event... ahh!)
- JUST finished and shared the "Untra Violet" creative video from the other day
- Upcoming adventure summary for my Hawaii trip
- BTS summary from my shoot with Shantia
- BTS summary from my shoot with Theresa Manchester.

I am so glad I have a Solid State Drive ultrabook laptop. Sometimes I feel like my video editing techniques themselves could be faster, I am using Adobe Premiere 13 right now and have been considering upgrading to Premiere Pro.... I know many pros use Final Cut but that's a Mac program and I have ALWAYS used PC my while life... scared to try to make the switch. What do you guys think, any recommendations?

With the collective of all your generosity, I am going to buy myself some time (yes, schdedule myself blocks of time sa if I were scheduling shooots!) to LEARN skills that can leap me further into success. I recently purchased an online course for social media marketing online. It's 6 week class and I can start the program any time before march (when my offer expires) Time is Money, and right now my time is more valuable to me than the green paperback stuffs! 

Thanks for your support, I truly appreciate you! *Kristy XoXo




Skitz uses Premier Pro on a Windows machine. Roman uses Premier Pro on a Mac. Personal preference. If you're used to Windows, probably best to stick to Windows. Premier Pro is really fast, but it's expensive as we're paying a monthly fee for it. But it's super fast. Now, big favor to ask you... Let us know how that online social media marketing course is. Our band will live or die by social media, so if the course is worthwhile, we'll probably end up taking it.