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Kinda funny to think about, but it's hard for me to make new friends... especially with girls. UNLESS they're also nude models! They accept me, I don't feel like they might get judgy or preachy at me. And with *traveling* models there's not really a problem with "being in competition" with each other, since we are always on the move and only in the market for bookings within any given market once a year or so. 

Jin and I have been good friends for a while, I have mentioned her in a few recent posts and on my Instagram since we hung out in vegas and acted in a Metal Band's Music video, here is the link to the finished product BTW:

Astral Eyes: "Succubus" (Youtube)

Jin played the main character, and I played the guard to the King (supporting role) It was an awesome day that started at the crack of dawn in Red Rock, just outside Vegas. I attached a few behind the scenes photos from the shoot to this post (see attachments below)

We shot a "playful" set together that you can access if you pledge at least $5, and if you're a future pledger looking at previous posts over 30 days old, you can access all expired links by pledging at least $10 (the "Loyal" package)

Here is the link to the $5+ PLAYFUL photos of us together PLUS a sexy nekkid jumping on the bed video is in this folder too!! (No explicit shots from this set, up to playboy style here! If you're pledging for the naughty stuff, stay tuned for the next post in a couple days!)

Jin and Kristy Nude in Vegas Hotel (22 Photos, 1 video!)

I'll resend a password reminder again right after I post this ;)

After my Vegas trip, I was in Phoenix for 5 days. I shot with Shantia for some magazine submission photos (will be posted in a future blog post, we had an exuberant frisky adventure...) And I stayed with my other nude model friend Julie Ernes, a shining golden hearted beauty who I used to be so intimidated by! Her portfolio is amazing ;) We went shopping together and shared contacts, gossipped, ya know hung out in our underwear and stuff. 

Now I am back home in Seattle, and I have Theresa Manchester staying at my place! She is ALSO a model-ographer (seeing a trend?!) and her work is in HIGH demand! She has 2-3 shoots per day here while she is in town. I hope I can interview her for my Youtube Channel before she leaves, between all her other gigs!

My circle of freelance nude model/photographer/artists is expanding the further and further I delve into this underground cradle of creativity. I am leaping, and the net is appearing! Thanks to your support! 

LOVE *Kristy XoXo

PS THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to the pledger who gifted me all those items from  my wish list!!! (You know who you are!!!) I needed to find all new things to put on my Amazon Wish List since he purchased almost all the things I wanted! I appreciate it so much, thank you! These outfit items will be making an appearance in many photo sets to come ;) 



Lillias Right

And then we are doing a workshop together!! 🐝


nice work girls, checkout my page:)