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The great outdoors can be so inspiring, especially the thick pacific northwest forests during the summer! The color green gives an aura of playfulness, abundance, and fertility. It's important to try to experience the fresh air outdoors, and it helps calm anxiety and put your life into perspective. 

I get all artsy and in touch with my feminine side when exploring the woods, the only one thing I freak out at is SPIDERS!! I have an irrational fear. I know, they're part of the scene... but I just.... HATE THEM! Not very positive I know, it's an affliction. 

Anyway if you pledge at least $5, you will get to watch the behind the scenes video from this nude forest shoot! I arch and stretch my limbs, balancing on this mossy log. At one point there was this.. rather attractive slug in front of me. I took a moment to goof around and stick my tongue out at it. 

Images by Indigo Images from this shoot will also be shared later this week, so stay tuned!

****OTHER NEWS*****

AUGH I am so pissed at Vimeo, they deleted my channel AGAIN!!!! Help... i don't know how to get around them, they must just HATE me! I am told by other models who use Vimeo for nude videos that they were able to complain enough times that they got their channels back. 

It's a super sunny day here in Seattle, but I am playing catch up after doing a hike this morning: finally getting to all those emails, promoting my next several tours through october, and editing videos :)



Jin N Tonic

such a lovely pose! and wtf - vimeo allows nudity right? what's their deal! the platforms upon which we can digitally share our art and our hardwork just keep shrinking and it's terrible!


I hope you're not a shut-in too much, but I love what you've one with your video editing art. Have you caught the Pokémon Go craze and gotten out of the house from time to time? I do not have time for it, but my Wife and Teen have been playing it a lot. It now takes then several hours to make a run to the grocery store. (LOL)


That's very nice of you :) And no I don't play Pokemon, I used to be addicted to video games and it consumed most of my time between the ages of 14-17. I think it's great that other video game junkies are getting off the couch though :)